User Voice - Only Offenders Can Stop Re-Offending

Young people go to the Youth Justice Convention with User Voice

Today young people from User Voice projects across the country are heading to Birmingham with members of staff to take part in this year's Youth Justice Convention

Young people will be taking part in a workshop and leading a seminar for youth justice practitioners.

A press release by the Youth Justice Board has said:

"Young people, who have experience of the youth justice system, will...take part in two of the convention’s ‘fringe seminars’. 
User Voice’s ‘Young People’s Engagement Marketplace’, is a series of ‘solution focused’ discussions, involving around 10 young people, which will look at: relationships between young people and the police; youth to adult justice services, and improving engagement between young people and youth justice workers." 

Read the rest of this article about the convention here

Thanks to all those who have helped make this happen by generously donating their funds, time and effort!