User Voice will pilot a service user engagement project as part of the Full Joint Inspection (FJI) Programme, which is a joint inspection programme led by HM Inspectorate of Probation and involving a number of partner inspectorates, to reflect the breadth of partners involved in youth offending work.
This pilot is taking place in a Youth Offending Team in June and July 2013 and involves ensuring the views of young people who have offended and their parents and carers are included as part of the Full Joint Inspection Programme. The pilot will end with a co-production event involving elected youth reps from the inspected Youth Offending Team (YOT) engaging with YOT staff to discuss findings from the pilot.
“HMI Probation have rightly included an element in the Full Joint Inspection of Youth Offending Teams on the involvement of service users in the development and delivery of services. User Voice has consistently demonstrated that one of the best ways to gain these views is by ex-service users themselves facilitating this work. This really is a huge step forward, recognising that participation by young people and their families is absolutely vital in obtaining successful outcomes.”
Bob Ashford, Advisor, User Voice
HM Inspectorate of Probation is the inspecting body of Youth Offending Teams in England and Wales. It is an independent Inspectorate, funded by the Ministry of Justice, and reporting directly to the Secretary of State on the effectiveness of work with adults and children and young people who have offended aimed at reducing re-offending and protecting the public.
For further details contact Anne-Marie Douglas: