User Voice - Only Offenders Can Stop Re-Offending

User Voice Through the Gate Evaluation to be conducted by leading Desistance Theory Academics

With the support of the Cabinet Office’s Centre for Social Action and Nesta, a new evaluation aimed at assessing the impact of our Through the Gate Council model has recently started.

User Voice is really excited to announce that the evaluation will be led by leading academics in Desistance Theory – which looks into why people decide to stop offending. The project will be led by Dr Monica Barry and Dr Beth Weaver, along with Bethany Schmidt, Dr Mark Liddle, Dr Judy Renshaw and Professor Rosie Meek.

The project will additionally receive consultancy support from Professor Shadd Maruna, who is likewise a prominent figure in Desistance Theory.

The evaluation is being carried out in three pilot areas – The North East, West Midlands and London over the next year and a half, finishing October 2015.

Through this evaluation, we aim to demonstrate the impact of our Through the Gate model both on individual participants’ rehabilitation journey towards becoming active citizens and also on prison and probation services, including how they can become more cost effective.